This is not a submit form. It should be snail mailed in, with your membership fee, to Death Equinox '01 PO Box 581 Denver CO 80201. (Checks and money orders must be payable to Jasmine Sailing)
Or you can pay for your membership by credit card, using paypal or paydirect, in which case the registration form should be emailed. The address to use for paypal and paydirect payment is My paypal account has a monthly receiving limit of $100 (credit card payments only, the limit doesn't apply to funds sent from an existing balance or your bank account), which rolls over on the 23rd of each month, of $100. Click one of the icons to sign up for paypal or paydirect.
Mailing Address______________________________________________
Email Address________________________________________________
Enclosed is:
__ $25 for an attending membership (prior to 07/31/00)
__ $30 for an attending membership (prior to 11/30/00)
__ $35 for an attending membership (prior to 03/31/01)
__ $45 for an attending membership (prior to 08/31/01)
__ $50 for an attending membership (post 08/31/01)
__ $10 for a supporting membership (which can be upgraded to attending)
__ for __ dealers' tables
__ for __ art panels
___ is the total enclosed for above selections
(Please make checks and money orders payable to Jasmine Sailing)
Please check appropriate sections:
I am an:
__artist __fiction writer __journalist __editor __publisher __musician/label rep __film-maker __comics creator __promoter __mad scientist __techno-weenie __paranormal researcher __astronomer __spiritual guru __hardcore fetishist __drug expert __alien abductee __psychology buff __euthanizer __delirious fan __other
I would like to enter the following contests: __critter ball
__metric crunch __gadgeteer's ball
__ I would like to be involved in programming
Please give a brief summary of your industry involvement:
Back to the Death Equinox Essentials.