Feature Film: The Happy Guy, created by John Niernberger/ Pollen Productions. Civilization is collapsing. One man, desiring immortality, videotapes himself with the hope it will be discovered by a hi-tech future civilization. Years later, at the hands of a jealous madman, he has become the sole method of entertainment for the somber human race. He has become The Happy Guy.
Demonstration:An animation and film creation demonstration (hosted by Tantric Lobotomy Commission, John Niernberger, and Joel Haertling).
Tantric Lobotomy Commission is a deranged FX and animation team. Their videos are enough to make people believe they dropped that acid they'd thought they passed up. For several years they have created film footage, video packages, and live background visuals for raves and music performances.
John Niernberger has completed two futuristic short films since graduating from New York University. The first, Petrol Mart, was a finalist at the South-By-Southwest festival in Austin, TX. The second, The Happy Guy, was recently completed. John is currently fundraising for his first full-length feature, which he describes as "'1984 for the information age".
Joel Haertling has self-produced 23 films in 8mm and 16mm over the past eleven years, alongside performing soundtracks and acting (often for Stan Brakhage films). He's toured extensively throughout Europe and Aisa with his films, and has done presentations at various museums (including the Museum of Modern Art in New York).
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