Death Equinox '97 Demonstrations & Workshops

Demonstrations and Exhibits

Creating Film and Animation: The varying methods for putting thought to film. Hosted by Tantric Lobotomy Commission, Joel Haertling, and John Niernberger in the video room.

Play Piercing: Lengthy and numerous needles, inflicting temporary piercings. Hosted by Judy Saxe and Gomez.

Gadgeteer's Ball: A peaceful demonstration for strange, and often useful, mechanical gadgets. This demonstration will be the example for future gadget contests. Learn now, create and compete later. Future critter contests will also be discussed here, with examples. Hosting: interactive. Anyone can show off their gadgets.

Gadgets and Critters: Additional time for people to show gadgets, discuss building them, cause wars, and/or prep for next year's contests.

Sexual Mechanics: Demonstrations of fetishistic, kinky, useful, and often dangerous, mechanical sex devices. You may or may not want to try some of these at home. Hosting: interactive. Anyone with a mechanical sex device to "show and tell" is welcome to join in.

Rack and Play: Select DE denizens take their turns on the rack, improving their height and augmenting their back problems.

Archaic Computers Discussion: The history of the various computers on exhibit, and far more.

Archaic Computers Display: Many little electronic boxes which you would likely never consider using unless, perhaps, you were stuck in Antarctica without an internet connection. Even then you would be out of luck with many of these. (Never fear, though, Dimensional Communications is providing the internet connection through less dated computers.)

Sex, Dungeons, And Torture: Strange sculptures, torture devices, and generally odd or sexual mixed imageries litter various locations at the convention.


Selling Genre Fiction: hosted by PD Cacek and Thomas Roche.

Alternatives to Genre Fiction: hosted by Michael Hemmingson and PD Cacek.

Writing the Undefinable: hosted by Thomas Roche and M Christian.

Scribbling Smut for Fun and Profit: hosted by Thomas Roche, M Christian, and PD Cacek.

Creating and Marketing Zines: hosted by PD Cacek, Bruce Young, and Greg Bishop.

Promoting Independent Music: hosted by Little Fyodor, Babushka, Bruce Young, and Gordon Klock.

Mechanical Gadget Building/Blueprint Critique: hosted by Gomez, Chris Yardley, and Bruce Young.

Trance/Meditational Tools: hosted by Don and Rosemary Webb.

S/M 101: hosted by M Christian.

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