Back Cover Blurbs: Stealing My Rules by Don Webb

"In stories ranging from impressionistic vignettes to metafictional recursions, Webb delivers laughs and chills in his allusive, lucid, deadpan style." --Paul Di Filippo (author of Cyphers), from the introduction

"Don Webb is the literary equivalent of those tiny capsules that give you a week's worth of fiber in one easy, pleasurable dose. Properly administered, his fiction expands inside your mind, shoving aside stale, musty preconceptions and the dogmatic accretions of lesser writers. I recommend him to all my friends, and we're lighter and more ethereal creatures for the experience. Crazy and crunchy, a droll Pirandello without the soggy bits -- don't miss sinking your teeth into Webb." --K. W. Jeter (author of Dr. Adder and The Glass Hammer)

"Don Webb is his own genre. His work is much more than an attempt to explicate or compartmentalize the unknown -- it is a full bore flight into the mysterious. Over the past ten years he has grown into a leading proponent and conservator of the landscapes we cannot know." --Steve Rasnic Tem (author of Decoded Mirrors: Three Tales After Lovecraft)

"Don Webb is a great mystic of the 21st Century. His work both enchants and instructs and his magic words can be felt everywhere. Out of the haze and fire of the Avant cauldron leapt Don Webb, a shining story teller and one of the best writers of our time." --Misha (author of Red Spider White Web)

"Don Webb's Stealing My Rules is everything you could hope for in dark philosophical romance. Voices here speak in familiar cadences of fear, love, and ennui -- but have entirely new, sometimes alien feelings to transmit down the familiar neuropathways -- all evoked in language fit to rub up against." --Lee Ballentine (Ocean View Books publisher)

"If you read my work and don't know who Don is, goddamnit, then I don't know where you've been lately. Don is and was my perverted blood uncle on the Planet of the Future Dead. Encoded in his terse fiction are Secret Codes -- you take the first letter of every fourth word, add up their numerical value, then take the letter each number equates, put them together, and you'll get a scroll that uncovers every conspiracy that ever tickled your grey matter. As well as the secret names of God and Sex." -- Michael Hemmingson (author of companion book Snuff Flique)

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