Cyber-Psychos AOD Art Submissions
Illustrations are specifically assigned as each issue is being
compiled. The options are interior story illustrations (black
and white) and the cover (colour). If you wish to provide cover
art or interior illustrations, you must acquaint me with yourself
and your art beforehand. Send a portfolio. Photocopies are ok, as
long as the quality is good enough for me to see the details.
I don't like sketchy art. I know I'm a rarity in that but I don't
like it, so don't bother sending it. I enjoy fine art with shading
and weird twists. I enjoy dark and creepy surrealism. I enjoy
intricately detailed and patterned line drawings (such as with,
say, tattoos of Malaysian designs). Absolutely do not send artwork
revolving around ridiculously large bosomed women. No silly cheesy
monsters (except in the instance of blatant satire). Hopefully you
get the picture.
Examples: The following artists have previously been
published Cyber-Psychos AOD and remain indicative of our
interests. Gordon Klock, H. E. Fassl, t. Winter-Damon, Andi
Olsen, Alex Seminara, Voodoo, Will Anders, Paul Schiola, and
Jim Bob Cook.
Back to the Cyber-Psychos AOD Submission Guidelines.