Cyber-Psychos AOD Artist Portfolio Submissions
Artist Portfolios are intended for displaying a range of work
by one artist. The images are accompanied by either an essay
or an interview. The essays are written by the featured artists,
and cover whatever they consider to be important aspects of
their art (don't be dull, please). Interviews must also cover
pertinent artistic topics (but it can drift, and personal
introspections are always welcome). The word count for an
essay should be approximately 800-3000 words. Interviews
often run longer (please check the interview guidelines),
but please keep it in mind that the more text there is -- the
less art you can fit in with the portfolio. We can only fit one
Artist Portfolio in each issue of the magazine. If you would
like to submit one, please check the "now accepting" category
of the guidelines index to see if proposals for them are being
Examples: This is a new feature so the only Artist
Portfolios which have been accepted to date were from H. E.
Fassl (essay) and Andi Olsen (interview).
Back to the Cyber-Psychos AOD Submission Guidelines.