New Sermon: Some important words about the upcoming election.
Upcoming Events (April 2016): Cnidarian Readings/Ramblings at the Walnut Room
on Friday April 8! 8pm. There will also be short films and possibly less short bands. Plus we
are finally having another Cnidarian Earth Day event! April 22, 5:30pm, Civic Center Park.
Our Blasted Lady of the Jellyfish, First Church of Cnidaria, was founded by St.
Sailing, aka The Blasted One, aka Operative J, aka The Royal Hagfish, aka The Twinkie of
Wholesomeness, aka etc, many many many years ago for the sole purpose of spreading the
Wisdom of Cnidaria and educating all fumbling humans (read: all humans) about the impending
Fiery Rain.
Found here are excerpts from The Blasted Manifesto, and a sampling of Sermons From the Streets, alongside a smattering of additional goodies. Cnidarians are humble worshippers of Jellyfish. Most are harmless (theoretically), but it's inevitable that you find random psychopaths amidst any religion. Though the worshippers are scattered across this corrupted world, many occasionally converge for Cnidarian Sermons wherever they can. If The Blasted One was not such a pathetically slow individual she would have at least added pictures from the Death Equinox Sermons of the '90s. At these Sermons we might debate church policies, present sermons to the public, ceremoniously finish pending initiations, chop lots of heresy up with the Sacred Axe, purge Virgin Brides of Sin, or at least generally spout like lunatics who indulge in too much sacred fun stuff. This has proven most useful as a tactic for urging new Radiate-Devotees onto the Righteous Path. When you wield The Axe and The Righteous Flamethrower of Vengeance against Heresy, they flock... yes, they do.
Watch what you drop, then observe the heavens as shimmering multi-coloured tentacles
descend upon us all...
If you want to know what else Cnidarians do (or at least what they'll admit to in a legally-recordable format), try these selections of literature:
All contents of this web site are copyright Our Blasted Lady of the Jellyfish, St. Sailing, and/or their respective evangelists. The photos on this page were received by St. James, in a special transmission.