DE & CPAOD Bios: Jeffrey A. Stadt
Over 70 of Jeff Stadt's dark, perverse, and cerebral, fiction stories
have been published in various genre periodicals including Cyber-Psychos
AOD, Terminal Fright, Elegia, Into the Darkness, Heliocentric Net, Bare
Bone, and Bizarre Dreams (Masquerade Books anthology). He is
currently the managing editor of Bloodreams Magazine, the sole
editor of Mind Rot, and a book reviewer for various publications.
His first book, Stigma: AfterWorld, was released by
Cyber-Psychos AOD in August 1997. Jeff is also a natural witch and has done
extensive research into (comparative) mythologies, radical faeries, Wicca,
LaVey's Satanism, and lesser magic (non-ritualistic). He can be called a
berdache, shaman, witch, or psychologist, but prefers his own term: