DE Bios: Christopher Morris
Christopher Morris is the author of several short stories published in
the horror/fantasy small press, and has a collection of moreso avant-pop
weirdness scheduled to be released by Jasmine Sailing/Cyber-Psychos AOD
in 1999. Under the pen name "Wile E. Cojones" he runs the midwestern
record-review 'zine Orpheus Laughing, as columnist and editor-in-chief.
Clueless, insignificant, people claim he lives in Indianapolis -- but the
truth can now be told. Christopher Morris was really born and raised in
Kulan Jila, Lebanon, where at the age of eight a shell-blast left him
permanently deaf and disfigured. During the coma he was visited by the
spectre of Abraham Lincoln, and given a secret new calling. Unfortunately
even true callings must be supported, so he took on various occupations:
a former back-up singer for David Bowie, Mr. Morris has also worked as a
pentecostal minister, a prize fighter (sadly, lip-nibbling got him
disqualified), and a quality inspector for Fruit of the Loom. His favorite
films are Snow White, How to Marry a Millionaire, and a live
autopsy he saw once on a cable-access channel. Married, with twelve children,
he now lives in northern Costa Rica where he continues breeding a militia to
realize Abe's cause.